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Can a stepper motor be connected in parallel with any 2 phases?

by (62.8k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Stepper motors can be connected in parallel with any 2 phases.

If it is an eight-wire two-phase stepper motor, its application can be unipolar wiring, series connection wire, parallel connection wire as needed.
Nema 23Closed loop servo stepper motor

Nema 23 Closed loop servo stepper motor

Unipolar wiring requires a combination of unipolar drivers, which are not very versatile. If the user needs the motor to work in the low-speed power torque situation, the series connection line method can be used, at this time the motor current should be set smaller, and the output current requirements for the driver are lower; If the user needs the motor to work in medium and high-speed occasions, the parallel connection line mode can be used, at which time the motor current should be set to be larger, and the output current of the driver should be larger.
57 series stepper motor single and double shaft NEMA23 manufacturer

57 series stepper motor single and double shaft NEMA23 manufacturer

For example, Inash's 42HS03 motor, the rated phase current is 2.3A, if the series connection line method, the working current of the motor is about 1.6A, you can use the EZM322 drive; if the parallel connection line method, the working current of the motor is about 3.2A, you need to use the EZM442 driver. In short, users need to choose the most suitable stepper drive scheme according to their needs, and can obtain greater economy.

by (128k points)
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+2 votes

No, it can't.

Because the stepper motor involves only a two-phase stepper motor connected in parallel, 8-wire.

nema 17 stepper motor 42 two-phase four-wire 1.8 degree stepper motor for 3D printers

nema 17 stepper motor 42 two-phase four-wire 1.8 degree stepper motor for 3D printers

Our customers often encounter the wrong wiring of 8-wire motors, and some think that the two windings connected in parallel cannot actually be reversed.

nema 17 stepper motor 1.8 degree step

nema 17 stepper motor 1.8 degree step

Because when the stepper motor is running, all windings are energized, and there are two directions, if the winding and the reverse winding colleagues work. The motor does not turn.

by (116k points)

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