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What can a stepper motor be used for? In what fields can stepper motors be used? What industries can stepper motors be used in?

by (34.6k points)

3 Answers

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What are the areas of stepper motor application?

The following stepper motor manufacturers will talk about it, stepper motor its biggest application is in the manufacture of CNC machine tools, because stepper motors do not need A / D conversion, can directly convert digital pulse signals into angular displacement, so it is considered to be the ideal CNC machine tool execution components.

Stepper motor is a displacement motor, so it is mainly used in some occasions with positioning requirements, such as: wire cutting table dragging, hair planting machine table (pore positioning), packaging machine (fixed length), basically involving positioning occasions are used.

Because stepper motors are used to convert the corresponding angular displacement, they are widely used in ATM machines, inkjet printers, engravers, photo machines, spraying equipment, medical instruments and equipment, computer peripherals and mass storage equipment, precision instruments, industrial control systems, office automation, robots and other fields.

What can a stepper motor do?

The amount of angular displacement can be controlled by controlling the number of pulses, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, the speed and acceleration of motor rotation can be controlled by controlling the pulse frequency, so as to achieve the purpose of speed regulation.

Stepper motor

Stepper motor is used in low-speed occasions--- the speed per minute does not exceed 1000 revolutions, (6666PPS at 0.9 degrees), used between 1000-3000PPS (0.9 degrees), can be made to work here by the reduction device, at this time the motor has high efficiency and low noise.

by (116k points)
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Stepper motors are specifically used in robots, intelligent automation, industrial equipment, CNC machine tools, medical equipment, textile printing, engraving machines, laser marking machines, laser cutting machines, laser engraving machines, electronic equipment, wire stripping machines, packaging machinery, advertising equipment, labeling machines, constant speed applications and other industries.

by (116k points)
+1 vote
Stepper motor in another aspect of the application, because the stepper motor is used to convert the corresponding angular displacement, so it is widely used in ATM machines, inkjet printers, engravers, photo machines, spraying equipment, medical instruments and equipment, computer peripherals and mass storage equipment, precision instruments, industrial control systems, office automation, robots and other fields, especially suitable for applications requiring stable operation, low noise, fast response, long service life, high output torque.

Third, stepper motor in computer embroidery machine and other textile machinery equipment has a wide range of applications, this kind of stepper motor is characterized by keeping torque is not high, frequent start response speed, low operating noise, stable operation, good control performance, low cost of the whole machine.
by (116k points)

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