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What conditions do stepper generators need to be connected to the grid in parallel?

by (34.6k points)

6 Answers

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Under what circumstances do stepper motors run in parallel?

Stepper generator is a very common stepper motor is also a widely used motor, which is sometimes operated in parallel, such as parallel to the power grid. This article will introduce the advantages of stepper generator parallel operation of stepper motor.

NEMA23 stepper motor - 57 series motor

NEMA23 stepper motor - 57 series motor

First, rational use of electric energy

Stepper motor stepper generator in practical applications will often need parallel operation, parallel to the grid is the most common parallel operation method, this operation mode so that the supply of electric energy can be adjusted to each other, rational use, will not appear in some areas of insufficient power supply phenomenon.

Second, increase the reliability of power supply

The parallel operation of the stepper generator in the stepper motor can also increase the reliability of power supply, thereby reducing the occurrence of accidents, which is a relatively safe and reliable operation mode.

High torque 57 stepper motor a variety of body NEMA23 engraving machine stage light medical machinery manufacturer

High torque 57 stepper motor a variety of body NEMA23 engraving machine stage light medical machinery manufacturer

Third, improve the quality of power supply

The parallel operation of stepper generators can improve the quality of power supply, provide better power supply for people, and solve the problem that people urgently need for electric energy.

Fourth, different load compensation role

In addition to the above advantages, the parallel operation mode of the stepper generator in the stepper motor has the above advantages, when the larger the application system, the more uniform the load will be, and for the load of different nature, they can play a role in compensating each other.

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by (116k points)
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The stepper motor has a technical parameter: no-load starting frequency, that is, the pulse frequency of the stepper motor can start normally under no-load conditions, if the pulse frequency is higher than this value, the motor can not start normally, and it may be lost or stalled.

by (128k points)
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What is the difference between two-phase stepper motor in series and parallelJapanese stepper motor manufacturer

Japanese stepper motor manufacturer

Two-phase motor with two-phase stepper drive, four-phase eight-wire motor has three connection methods: parallel, series and unipolar.

Parallel connection method: four-phase winding two phases parallel, the resistance and inductance of the winding are doubled, the acceleration performance of the motor is good, the high-speed load torque is large, but the motor needs to input twice the rated current current, the heat generation is large, and the output capacity of the driver is required to increase accordingly.

Japan stepper motor price

Japan stepper motor price

When used in series, the resistance and inductance of the winding increase exponentially, the motor is stable when running at low speed, the noise and heat generation are small, the requirements for the drive are not high, but the high-speed torque loss is large. Therefore, users can choose the four-phase eight-wire stepper motor wiring method according to their requirements.

The two-phase stepper motor has only two windings on the stator and four outlets, with a full step of 1.8° and a half-step of 0.9°. In the driver, only the current on and off of the two-phase winding and the direction of the current can be controlled. The four-phase stepper motor has four windings on the stator and eight outlets, the whole step is 0.9°, and the half step is 0.45°, but the four windings need to be controlled in the driver, and the circuit is relatively complicated.

by (116k points)
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When the windings are connected in series, they can work in higher voltage and small current environments; 

Siemens China servo motor manufacturer supply

When connected in parallel, it can operate in low-voltage and high-current environments.

stepping motor controller

stepping motor controller

Stepper motor is an open-loop control element stepper motor device that converts the electrical pulse signal into angular displacement or line displacement. In the case of non-overload, the speed of the motor, the position of the stop only depends on the frequency of the pulse signal and the number of pulses, and is not affected by the load change, when the stepper driver receives a pulse signal, it drives the stepper motor to rotate a fixed angle in the set direction, called "step angle", its rotation is a fixed angle step by step. Stepper motors for packaging labellers

Stepper motors for packaging labellers

The amount of angular displacement can be controlled by controlling the number of pulses, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, the speed and acceleration of motor rotation can be controlled by controlling the pulse frequency, so as to achieve the purpose of speed regulation.

by (62.8k points)
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Stepper motor has good series low-speed performance and parallel high-speed performance. Therefore, it cannot be said whether the stepper motor is better in series or parallel, and the appropriate stepper motor should be selected according to different needs. 

NEMA 23 Screw Linear Motor - Automation CNC Motor Supplier

NEMA 23 Screw Linear Motor - Automation CNC Motor Supplier

The power and torque of the series connection motor is about 25% greater than that of the parallel line motor, and if the parallel connection reaches the same torque, the current is 1.4 times that of the parallel connection.

by (116k points)
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 The wiring methods of stepper motors are divided into parallel and series, which are suitable for different industrial applications.

1. The parallel connection method is generally used in occasions where the rotation speed is required to be fast and the torque requirement is not high. Stepper motor for mask machine

Stepper motor for mask machine

These require customers to tell us the function and speed requirements of the entire system, our technicians may accurately calculate the correct torque and speed requirements according to the requirements of the system, and can also achieve the effect of making up for the difference through some other mechanical methods, such as the use of roller screws, reducers, increase the diameter of the timing pulley and other necessary mechanical principles, will ensure that customers make the most suitable machinery under the most economical conditions.
Stepper motor for rolling round bottle labellers

Stepper motor for rolling round bottle labellers

2. The series connection method is generally used for occasions with large torque and low rotation speed requirements. However, due to the large current passed during the use of the series connection method, the heat generation will be larger than that of the general parallel motor. The problem of large calorific value, many customers will ask, in fact, the temperature of the stepper motor heating, reaching 90 degrees is generally normal, so there is no need but worry.

by (128k points)

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