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Can you use a servo motor with the same power as a stepper motor?Can you use a servo motor with the same power as a stepper motor?

by (34.6k points)

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

Answer: Yes, you can use a servo motor with the same power as a stepper motor.

Answer analysis: However, when choosing the type of motor, it is not only based on the power size, but also needs to consider many other factors, such as load requirements, acceleration and speed requirements, operating cycle, environmental conditions, dynamic response requirements, and safety factors.

First of all, from the perspective of power, although both stepper motors and servo motors can achieve a certain power output, their control methods and application scenarios are different. 

The stepper motor is an open-loop controlled motor that realizes movement by controlling the driver to send pulses. It has a simple structure and is relatively cheap, and is suitable for low-power and low-voltage applications. 

The servo motor adopts a closed-loop control method, realizes motion control by returning position information, is equipped with a feedback device, can respond quickly to external commands, and realizes high-speed and large-load control. Its output power and torque are higher than stepper motors.

Therefore, even if the power of the two is the same, in actual applications, the servo motor may be more able to meet the application scenarios with higher requirements for control accuracy, dynamic response and load capacity.

In addition, it should also be noted that the selection of the motor should be based on specific application requirements. For example, if the application requires high-speed and large-load motion control, and cost is not the main consideration, a servo motor is a more appropriate choice. 

If the application has strict cost restrictions and the control accuracy and load requirements are not very high, a stepper motor may be a more cost-effective choice.

In summary, although a servo motor with the same power as a stepper motor can be used, in actual applications, the appropriate motor type should be selected according to specific needs.

by (45.1k points)
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+1 vote

Stepper motor in the cost performance is advantageous, to achieve the same function in the case of servo motor price is greater than the same power stepper motor, servo motor high response, high speed and high precision advantages determine the price of the product is high, which is inevitable.

by (116k points)
+1 vote

Stepper motors generally do not have overload capacity, and servo motor overload is very powerful. Servo motors are closed-loop, synchronous motors, high precision, high power, and expensive, while stepper motors are the opposite.

by (128k points)

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