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Can a dual-axis stepper motor controller be used as a single axis? Is the difference between multi-axis stepper motor controller with multi-axis linkage and single-axis action without linkage?

by (62.8k points)

What is a multi-axis control system based on a stepper motor? How does a stepper motor drive the shaft?

3 Answers

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Can a dual-axis stepper motor controller be used as a single axis? The controller of the stepper motor is universal, but the controller of the stepper motor is divided into single-axis, dual-axis and multi-axis. A single-axis controller, as the name suggests, can control a single motor. Single-axis control system refers to a complete single-axis control system.

The difference between single-axis and dual-axis stepper motor drivers: single-axis is a stepper motor, which can only move linearly. Dual axis is to use two stepper motors, which can be operated in two axes.

The stepper motor driver uses the point pulse signal received from the controller to drive the stepper motor, which is in the middle position in the entire control link: controller, stepper motor driver, stepper motor.

Stepper motor drives are divided into single-axis drives and dual-axis drives

What are the advantages of a dual-shaft stepper motor driver?

A single-axis stepper motor driver is a stepper motor driver that processes the pulse signal and transfers it to a stepper motor.

The dual-axis stepper motor driver is a motor drive to transfer the processed pulse signal to two stepper motors, that is, one drive drives two stepper motors, many manufacturers have chosen dual-axis drives because of the characteristics of dual-axis drives that can save a lot of business costs and are relatively easy to operate. So its advantages are also obvious.

The multi-axis stepper motor controller has the difference between multi-axis linkage and single-axis action that cannot be linked.

by (116k points)
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Multi-axis control system is to control multiple stepper motors, to achieve two-dimensional and three-dimensional motion control, stepper motor is generally connected to the shaft through the coupling and drive the screw shaft rotation.

by (128k points)
+1 vote

In CNC equipment, usually a motor is called a shaft, multi-axis control system is to use a controller to control the movement of multiple motors, including start and stop, direction and speed, etc., sometimes there may be linkage between each motor as needed; Stepper motors can drive the shaft through couplings, belt drives, gear drives, etc.

by (116k points)

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