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How has robotics evolved from the introduction of industrial robotics to current technology?

by (62.8k points)

2 Answers

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The introduction of robot technology into the industry can improve production efficiency, reduce the danger and injury of workers in the production process, and provide unprecedented convenience for improving the production quality and efficiency of the factory, and the specific application is in the following aspects:

1. Manufacturing industry.

Robotics can autonomously complete a series of production tasks in the manufacturing industry, such as robots in automotive and electronics manufacturing enterprises can automate many tasks, such as assembly, painting, precision machining, etc. Compared to human labor, robots can be more precise, faster and can work continuously.

2. Agriculture.

Robotics can increase harvests and ensure food quality, such as large agricultural robots that can automate tasks such as planting, irrigation, and harvesting.

3. Medical treatment.

Medical centers with advanced medical robotics technology can identify life-critical factors faster, make accurate diagnoses and provide better treatment options.

4. Education.

Robotics education not only develops students' teamwork, programming and innovation skills, but also stimulates their enthusiasm for artificial intelligence, technology and innovation.

by (116k points)
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+1 vote

Robot technology has developed from the introduction of industrial robots to the current technology, mainly experiencing the following developments:

1. The mechanical structure is developing towards modularization and reconfigurability.

2. The industrial robot control system is developing in the direction of open controller based on PC, which is convenient for standardization and networking; The device integration is improved, the control cabinet is becoming smaller and smaller, and the modular structure is adopted; The reliability, ease of operation and serviceability of the system are greatly improved.

3. The role of virtual reality technology in robots has developed from simulation and rehearsal to process control, such as making remote control robot operators feel that they are in a remote operating environment to manipulate robots.

by (128k points)

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