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How are servos involved in the robotics industry? The general structure of the electric servo system of industrial robots is three closed-loop controls, namely the current loop, the speed loop and the position loop.

by (34.6k points)

2 Answers

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The robot joint is driven by a stepper motor, which requires maximum power-to-mass ratio and torque-inertia ratio, high starting torque, low inertia, wide and stable speed regulation range.

With the development of the robot industry, breakthroughs need to be made in the fields of servo and integrated control. At present, China is still in the breakthrough stage in the field of industrial control such as servo equipment, which has not had too positive an impact on the local robot industry.

The overall structure of the electric servo system of industrial robots is three closed-loop control, namely the current loop, the speed loop and the position loop. Generally, for AC servo drives, by manually setting their internal functional parameters, various functions such as position control, speed control, and torque control can be realized.

Three-co-robot servo drive principle

Servo drive is simply put: is a controller used to control servo motor, its role is similar to the frequency converter acting on ordinary AC motor, is part of the servo system, mainly used in high-precision positioning system. Generally, the servo motor is controlled by position, speed and torque to achieve high-precision transmission system positioning, which is currently a high-end product of transmission technology. The following article will introduce the working principle of servo drives.

The servo drives all use digital signal processor (DSP) as the control core, which can realize more complex control algorithms and realize digitalization, networking and intelligence; Power devices generally use intelligent power module (IPM) as the core design of the drive circuit, IPM integrated drive circuit, while having overvoltage, overcurrent, overtemperature, undervoltage and other fault detection protection circuit, in the main circuit also added soft start circuit to reduce the impact of the startup process on the driver.

by (62.8k points)
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+1 vote

As a key product in the field of automation, the robot industry has begun to develop vigorously. Nowadays, a large number of enterprises with servo motors and other industrial control equipment manufacturing qualifications have flocked to the robot market. Why are machine tool and servo manufacturers so actively involved in retrofitting and developing robots? This starts from the components of the industrial robot, which are the four main parts of the body, servo, reducer and controller.

by (62.8k points)

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