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What is the future of robotics technology in the 21st century? The future of leadership rise of automation robotics and artificial intelligence.

by (62.8k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

The future direction of robotics in the 21st century is as follows:

1. In the future, robots will be more intelligent and autonomous, for example, these robots can use the senses to identify the environment, understand the task requirements, so as to automatically plan actions, and can make continuous adjustments and improvements to the task situation to improve efficiency and accuracy.

2. In the future, robots will be more integrated into artificial intelligence systems, the boundary between humans and robots will gradually disappear, and the collaboration between humans and machines will become a trend.

3. In the future, robots will be more and more involved in the field of manufacturing and service, manufacturing robots will have a wider application in the future, service robots have been applied to medical, education, finance, catering, retail and other fields, the future will be more widely served in various fields of human society.

by (116k points)
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The Future of Leadership: The Rise of Automated Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, a book co-authored by Amazon authors Pulisic and Kacinniz that answers the following questions:

1. How will automation and artificial intelligence change leadership?

2. How can leaders use automation and artificial intelligence to improve productivity?

3. How can leaders use automation and artificial intelligence to improve employee productivity and happiness?

4. How can leaders attract and retain great employees in the age of automation and artificial intelligence?

5. How can leaders maintain a competitive edge in an uncertain future?

by (128k points)

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