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What is the future of robotics? What is the future of robotic process automation?

by (62.8k points)

1 Answer

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The future direction of robotics:

1. Intelligence: The development direction of robot technology in the future will be intelligent, and robots will have the ability to learn and make decisions independently, and be able to complete various tasks more accurately and efficiently.

2. Diversification: The development direction of robot technology in the future will also be diversification, and robots will be applied to more fields and scenarios to meet the needs of different fields.

3. Humanization: In the future, the development direction of robot technology will be humanization, and robots will pay more attention to human feelings and needs, so as to achieve more accurate and humanized services.

4. Networking: In the future, the development direction of robot technology will be networked, and robots will be interconnected through the Internet and Internet of Things and other technologies, so as to achieve more intelligent and efficient collaborative work.

What is the future of robotic automation processes?

The future direction of robotic automation processes will be intelligent, autonomous and diversified, enabling more precise and efficient completion of various tasks.

Specifically, the robotic automation process of the future will have the following characteristics:

1. Intelligence: The robot will have the ability to learn and make decisions independently, and can adjust and improve according to different tasks and environments.

2. Networking: Robots will be interconnected through technologies such as the Internet and the Internet of Things to achieve more intelligent and efficient collaborative work.

3. Autonomy: Robots will be more involved in the production and service fields, and can independently plan actions and complete tasks.

4. Diversification: Robots will be increasingly used in different fields and scenarios, involving finance, medical care, education, catering, retail and other fields.

by (128k points)
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