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What are the applications of stepper motors in medical devices? The use of stepper drives and stepper motors in the medical device manufacturing industry.

by (34.6k points)

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The use of stepper drives and stepper motors in the medical device manufacturing industry

In the contemporary medical technology developed, but medical devices are also very important, because the requirements for medical devices are very high, its accuracy and material selection in the processing technology, technology, etc. are very strict, in the precision requirements need to greatly improve work efficiency, generally speaking, medical devices will be preferred to choose a relatively high precision servo stepper motor, servo stepper motor precision is very high for those medical manufacturers are very loved.

For many years, stepper motor is the first choice for everyone in the medical industry, the main reason is that it can control the cost well, easy to use, and the work efficiency is also very high, but because the stepper motor has certain defects, it can be matched with a stepper drive with subdivision, so that it can well solve the defects of the stepper motor, and the times are progressing Stepper driver manufacturers are constantly updating their products, so that their products can be used well in all walks of life, This allows stepper drives to be used in conjunction with stepper motors to be more precise in the medical industry, saving energy and improving work efficiency.

Stepper drive + stepper motor in the medical industry to show its stable performance and powerful functions, whether it is its performance or innovation strength, the overall value, etc. are very significantly improved, due to the use and popularization of rare earth magnets, so that its torque also increases, so that its torque is greater than 160%, the same shape and the same size compared to 10 years ago greatly improved, due to the design of the processing technology, the stepper driver and the stepper motor can do smaller and smaller, but the performance is getting better and better, Compared with the old stepper motor, the small stepper motor completely eliminates the original noise, vibration and so on.

Stepper motors have a wide range of applications in four aspects:

1. Industrial machines Stepper motors are used in automotive instruments and machine tool automation production equipment. Robot manufacturing, inspection and processes.

2. Security New monitoring products in the security industry, including security cameras PAN/ZOOM/TILT.

3. Medical stepper motors are used in medical scanners, samplers, and hydraulic pumps, ventilators and blood analyzers seen in digital oral photography.

4. Consumer electronics stepper motor provides automatic digital camera focus and zoom function in the camera. In addition, there are business machine applications, computer peripheral applications.

by (116k points)
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