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What is the importance in knowing the different types of robots and its applications?

by (62.8k points)

1 Answer

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The importance of understanding the different types of robots and their applications is as follows:

1. Help people take care of their lives and do simple housework.

2. Can be automatically controlled, reprogrammed, multi-functional, has several degrees of freedom, can be fixed or moved, and is used in related automation systems.

3. The pre-required order and conditions control the mechanical action of the robot in turn.

4. There is no need to make the robot move, teach the robot through numerical values, language, etc., and the robot will operate according to the information after teaching.

5. After a large-scale disaster, it can enter the ruins that cannot be entered by people, scan the scene in the ruins with infrared rays, and transmit the information to the search and rescue personnel outside.

6. Through guidance or other methods, first teach the robot to move, enter the working program, and the robot will automatically repeat the operation.

7. Use the information obtained by the sensor to control the robot's actions.

8. Be able to adapt to changes in the environment and control their own actions.

9. Be able to "experience" the experience of work, have a certain learning function, and apply the experience "learned" to work.

10. Robots that use artificial intelligence to determine their actions.

by (128k points)
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