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How to set the parameters of INVT CHF100A inverter? How do I reset my INVT CHF100A drive to factory settings?

by (62.8k points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

INVT CHF100A inverter factory reset: set parameter P0.13 to 1.

1. Find the inverter technical manual and check the brand and model. Each inverter has the parameter of factory reset, find this parameter to restore.

2. Then according to the parameters of your motor, set the correct motor parameters in the inverter, or some inverters have a self-learning function, which can also realize the correct correspondence between the motor and the inverter parameters, and then set the function you need.
How To Program Invt Chf 100a Parameter With Jog Setting

How To Program Invt Chf 100a Parameter With Jog Setting

Frequency converters

It is mainly composed of rectification (AC to DC), filtering, inverter (DC to AC), brake unit, drive unit, detection unit, microprocessing unit, etc. The inverter relies on the internal IGBT to adjust the voltage and frequency of the output power supply, according to the actual needs of the motor to provide the power supply voltage it needs, so as to achieve the purpose of energy saving and speed regulation, in addition, the inverter has many protection functions, such as overcurrent, overvoltage, overload protection and so on. With the continuous improvement of industrial automation, frequency converters have also been widely used.

by (128k points)
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