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How to set DM542 stepper motor driver DIP switch? Dm542 stepper motor driver dip switch how to set pdf download. Dm542 stepper motor driver dip switch how to set manual.

by (34.6k points)

6 Answers

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Best answer

DM542 stepper driver DIP switch operating current setting instruction list:

The DM542 stepper driver DIP switch running current setting command diagram is as follows

The second set of code pulling switches has a total of 6 bits, the first 2 bits SW9 and SW10 set the filter time, SW11 self-tuning settings, SW12 alarm configuration settings, SW13 effective edge settings, SW14 single and double pulse settings.

by (62.8k points)
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+2 votes

DM542 subdivided two-phase hybrid stepper motor driver, using DC 18-50V power supply, suitable for driving voltage of 18V-50V, current less than 4.0A outer diameter of 42-86mm two-phase hybrid stepper motor

DM542 stepper driver DIP switch setup wiring schematicDM542 stepper driver DIP switch setup wiring schematic

This drive adopts the current loop of AC servo drive for subdivision control, the torque fluctuation of the motor is small, the low-speed operation is very smooth, and there is almost no vibration and noise. The torque at high speed is also much higher than that of other two-phase drives, and the positioning accuracy is high, which is widely used in engraving machines, CNC machine tools, packaging machinery and other equipment with high resolution requirements!

by (62.8k points)
+2 votes

The drive can set the number of steps per revolution of the motor to 400, 500, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3200, 4000, 5000, 6400, 8000, 10000, 12800 steps. 

The user can set the number of steps of the drive through the SW5, SW6, SW7, SW8 bits of the DIP switch on the front panel of the driver.

by (116k points)
+1 vote

DM542 stepper driver dial code setting:

The DM542S driver has two sets of DIP switches. The first group uses an eight-digit DIP switch to set the subdivision accuracy, dynamic current, stationary half-flow, and realize the autotuning of motor parameters and internal adjustment parameters.

The second group of code pulling switches has a total of 6 bits, setting the filter time, autotuning setting, alarm configuration setting, effective edge setting, single and double pulse setting.

by (128k points)
+1 vote

Resai DM542S open-loop stepper driver

DM542S is a new high-performance and low-cost open-loop stepper driver launched by Leisay, using 32-bit DSP technology, suitable for driving 57, 86 motors, with low noise, low heat, no step loss, smooth operation, superior performance at medium and low speeds, etc., can meet the application needs of most small and medium-sized equipment.

Comes with an alarm output interface, a new set of DIP switches, more complete functions. Using micro-segmentation technology, even under the condition of low segmentation, the effect of high segmentation can be achieved.

The automatic parameter setting function is integrated into the drive, which can automatically generate the corresponding operating parameters for different motors, and maximize the performance of the motor.

by (128k points)
+1 vote

1) The SW11-bit setting of the code pullout switch is self-tuning, and when SW11=on, there is no self-tuning; SW11=off, self-tuning.

2) The SW12-bit of the code pulling switch sets the alarm blocking state, and when SW12=on, the output is low and effective; When SW12=off, the output is highly effective.

3) The SW13 bit of the pull-out switch sets the effective edge, and when SW13=on, the lower rising edge is valid; When SW13=off, the rising edge is valid.

4) The SW14 bit of the code pulling switch sets single and double pulses, and when SW14=on, the double pulse mode; SW14=off, single pulse mode.

by (128k points)

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