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Which is the highest precision of stepper motor or servo motor? Which of the two types of stepper servo motors do you choose?
by (34.6k points)

3 Answers

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Due to the emergence of stepper motors, slowly began to use in the medical device manufacturing industry, slowly people found that if the stepper motor matched a stepper drive cost is cheaper than the servo motor but also has the performance of the servo motor, its powerful performance is many times better than the servo motor, the stepper motor torque is larger, the shape is smaller than the previous servo motor, the process is better than the previous one, the small stepper motor can ensure a small energy consumption, on the basis can save costs, Because the stepper motor has a step angle that can be adapted to any action, the accuracy is greatly improved by subdividing the stability of the stepper drive.

by (116k points)
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Stepper motors replace servo motors in the medical device manufacturing industry 

When it comes to medical devices, people feel that the first safety and the second health and accuracy will be very high, but it is true that all medical devices are very demanding from metal to plastic are very high, but these devices are often higher than other product requirements when they are produced, and many medical device manufacturers often use servo motors for production in order to achieve these precisions, but because the production cost of servo motors is very high, The price of the motor is relatively expensive, these manufacturers are looking for equipment that can replace the servo motor to replace it, but at the same time, it must also meet the accuracy requirements, if there is such equipment, it will definitely be loved in the production of medical devices.

by (116k points)
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Stepper motor now step angle to eliminate the original noise, such as an analyzer he needs 60 axes of operation, stepper motor is their first choice, if the 60 shaft is closed, so that the cost will be greatly increased, this product is mainly used in the laboratory, so it is necessary to ensure that the noise is small and the vibration is small, because the volume of the stepper motor becomes smaller, can meet a variety of dimensions of the case of use, the use of a new small stepper motor, but also reduce the overall volume of the machine.

Volume reduction Finally, the corresponding energy consumption is also small, the operating cost is also greatly reduced, the high-efficiency stepper motor runs with different shafts, and finally the requirements for XY sampling accuracy are greatly improved, so as to ensure that the predetermined suction well can be used well, the high resolution of the stepper motor and machinery is completed by increasing the number of teeth, so that it has the best accuracy required by various stepper motors.

by (116k points)

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