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What are the applications of single-shaft stepper motors? What is the difference between single shaft and dual shaft of stepper motor?

by (34.6k points)

What are the respective advantages of single and dual shaft stepper motors? What are the aspects of their respective applications?

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Single-shaft stepper motor applications:

Single-axis stepper motors are widely used in CNC machine tool manufacturing, ATM machines, inkjet printers, 3D printers, robots, laser engraving machines, engravers, photo machines, digital dental photography, respirators, fluid pumps, blood analysis machinery and medical scanners, elevators, conveyor belts and lane steerers, home smart homes, smart curtains, smart doors and windows, intelligent security equipment, medical equipment, surgical robots, radiation therapy machines, vehicle drives, automobile engines, motorcycle engines, security monitoring, video game machinery, office equipment , shooting systems, underwater vehicles and much more.

The difference between single shaft and dual axis of stepper motor:

Single-shaft stepper motor generally means that the motor only has the front end cover out of the shaft, and the most widely used single-shaft stepper motor such as 57MP56D6 is a single-axis 57 two-phase stepper motor with a shaft diameter of 6.35. Dual-shaft stepper motor generally means that the front and rear covers of the motor have an exit shaft, and the dual-shaft stepper motor is mainly used in applications such as encoder, first wheel, or synchronous transmission. For example, the DS in the 57MP56D6DS stands for a dual-shaft motor.

Bipolar stepper motors are different from unipolar stepper motors in that bipolar stepper motors have two leads per phase, and neither of these leads are common. H-bridges with certain drive topologies do have static friction effects, however, this friction can be reduced by jittering the stepper motor signal at a higher frequency.

by (62.8k points)
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