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What are the differences in the control method of synchronous motion of two servo motors?

What are the differences in the control method of synchronous motion of two servo motors?

by (62.8k points)

3 Answers

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Two servo motors are controlled synchronously

1. Because the electrical performance of electronic components is not exactly the same, the switching speed is different, and absolute synchronization is impossible. The method of achieving relative synchronization is very simple, as you said above, the parameters of the two servo drives are set to the same, and the two servos can be controlled in parallel with an output pulse of the PLC (or other).

Two servo motors are controlled synchronously

2. Servo motor control mode

Method 1: Install an encoder on one motor, and control the input into another motor through the feedback of the encoder to achieve synchronization;

Method 2: Use the motion control PLC, which has an electronic cam mechanism, which can be synchronized tracking control; Method three: At present, there is a servo motor controller to control two servo motors in one tow two, which is the simplest and easiest to operate compared to the above two methods.

by (116k points)
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Servo motors and stepper motors are two different types of motors with some differences in control methods. Servo motor is a motor that can accurately control the rotation speed, and its rotation speed can be controlled by programming, so as to achieve high-precision positioning and motion control. Servo motors are usually positioned and measured using encoders or sensors, which can be controlled by servo drives. Servo drives can provide more precise and stable control, thereby improving the accuracy and reliability of the system. industrial robot manufacturers in China

In contrast, the rotation speed of stepper motors is fixed, so their control method is relatively simple.

Stepper motors usually use encoders or sensors for positioning and measurement, and their control method is similar to the traditional stepper motor control method, that is, by manually adjusting the drive current or voltage of the stepper motor, the rotation speed of the stepper motor is controlled. In practical applications, there are some differences in the control methods of servo motors and stepper motors. For example, the control of servo motors requires more precise and stable control, while the control of stepper motors is relatively simple. In addition, servo motors often require encoder or sensor measurement and positioning, while stepper motors do not. animatics servo motor

There are some differences in the control mode of servo motors and stepper motors, and the appropriate control method needs to be selected according to specific needs in specific applications.

by (128k points)
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The servo motor detects the rotational position through an encoder (rotary detector) and feeds the information detected by the encoder back to the controller to control the position. As a result, high-precision stops can be achieved, even during rotation, and if the position is deviated, it can return to the original position. 

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On the other hand, the rotation angle of a stepper motor is proportional to the number of pulses, and the drive controls the position by receiving this pulse signal from the controller. Therefore, in fact, it does not need a mechanism to detect the position, and therefore cannot identify the deviation of the position. 

Therefore, step loss (state in which the indicated rotation angle is out of sync with the rotation of the motor) may occur due to unexpected load fluctuations, etc.

by (116k points)

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