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+3 votes

The relationship between stepper motor subdivision and pulse? The relationship between pulse, subdivision and speed of stepper motor?

by (34.6k points)

I plan to purchase a 57F43-05-087 stepping (linear) motor, and I don't understand the relationship between pulse, subdivision and speed, please ask the moderator to give an answer.

The step angle of the motor: 1.8°, step size: 0.0127mm, bipolar, driven by DCM8028,

1. If DCM8028 adopts the default setting, that is, 200 pulses per revolution, and sends [PLSY K500 K1000 Y0] to the driver at the same time, the linear speed at this time is: 6.35mm/s (0.0127×500), and the distance per movement is (0.0127×1000) 12.7mm.

2. If DCM8028 adopts 1 / 4 subdivision, that is, 800 pulses per revolution, it still sends to the driver: [PLSY K500 K1000 Y0], what is the linear speed at this time mm/s? What is the distance per movement in mm?

4 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

The role of subdivision: First, subdivide the number of pulses, if the motor step angle is 1.8 degrees, then a revolution will take 200 pulses, when the subdivision is 1/4, 800 pulses are needed. Second, the larger the subdivision, the corresponding increase in current, that is, the torque of the motor is increased. Third, increasing the subdivision can also reduce the noise of the stepper motor.

The problem of the landlord should be that the step angle is different, and what kind of motor to choose mainly depends on how much torque you need, that is, depending on the torque requirements required by the load

by (116k points)
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+1 vote

The speed and distance are 1/4 of the original, and the subdivision can improve the running performance and prevent crawling and vibration. To maintain the speed and distance before subdivision, increase the frequency and number of pulses.

by (116k points)
+1 vote

The step size of the 57F stepper linear motor has a step size of 0.0127mm, to achieve a speed of 12.7mm/s, the upper computer should send 1000 pulses per second (no subdivision set).

If a step size of 0.0254mm is selected, the host computer should send 500 pulses per second.

If a step size of 0.0508mm is selected, the host computer should send 250 pulses per second.

Please ask the moderator, the final effect of the above several steps is the same, are 12.7mm/s speed, the difference between them is different step angle? Or is the screw of the motor different?

Under the condition of 12.7mm/s speed (DCM8028 chopper drive), which step specification motor is more suitable and produces more thrust?

by (128k points)
0 votes

 How does Mitsubishi PLC write a program to drive the forward rotation of the stepper motor; The step distance is 0.027 degrees; how to control the number and frequency of pulses with text?

Motor rotation: PLSR D400 D410 K100 Y0
Forward and reverse can be made on the drive, small text or touch screen to set D400 as the rotation speed, D410 as the rotation angle (as for the step distance, is the step of your motor itself 0.027?). If it is 360 degrees / 0.027 = the number of pulses required per revolution, it is the value of D410, as for how many degrees to revolution, then you calculate it yourself. As for the forward and reverse rotation, it can be determined directly on the driver, which is just a high and low level.

by (128k points)

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