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What is the minimum step angle of a stepper motor without subdivision technology?

by (34.6k points)

5 Answers

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Best answer

Not to mention special products, conventional products, five-phase stepper motor 200 teeth, without subdivision can reach 0.18°

by (62.8k points)
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My stepper motor step angle is 1.8 degrees, the subdivision is 10000, so what is the speed per minute?

You get 1.8 is the motor step angle, after subdividing 10000, you can only calculate the step angle after you have to subdivide, 1.8/10000=0.00018 degrees;

The speed needs to know how many pulses you send in a minute to know, for example, X pulses a minute, then you have to speed n=X/10000;

+1 vote

Common ones are 3°/1.5°, 1.5°/0.75°, 3.6°/1.8°. For example, for a stepper motor (small motor) with a step angle of 1.8 degrees, the number of pulses used for one revolution is n=360/1.8=200 pulses. The error of the step angle does not accumulate for a long time, but only corresponds to the number of input pulse signals

by (128k points)
+1 vote

The step angle formula of stepper motor is step angle θ=360° / (number of rotor teeth× number of running beats). 

A stepper motor is a motor that converts an electrical pulse signal into a corresponding angular displacement or line displacement. With each input pulse signal, the rotor turns an angle or takes a step forward

by (116k points)
+1 vote

Take you to understand what is the stepper motor step angle

The step angle refers to the angle of rotation of the rotor every time the stepper motor receives a pulse signal. Under normal circumstances, the step angle of the stepper motor is 1.8 degrees or 0.9 degrees, and there are some special models of stepper motors with a step angle of 0.72 degrees, 0.36 degrees, etc.

For example, a stepper motor with a step angle of 1.8 degrees rotates an angle of 1.8 degrees when it receives a pulse signal. If it is necessary to control the angle and speed of the stepper motor rotation, it can be achieved by controlling the frequency and direction of the pulse signal.

It should be noted that the step angle of a stepper motor is related to its resolution and accuracy. The smaller the step angle, the higher the resolution and accuracy, but it also increases the difficulty and cost of control. Therefore, when selecting a stepper motor, it is necessary to choose according to the needs of the specific application.

Feel free to come to me for a specific look.

by (128k points)
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+1 vote

At present, the step angle of stepper motors on the market is generally 0.36 degrees/0.72 degrees (five-phase motor), 0.9 degrees/1.8 degrees.

by (116k points)

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