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What is the similarity between a stepper motor and a servo motor? Difference between stepper motor and servo motor wikipedia.

by (34.6k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Stepper motors and servo motors have several similarities:

1. Both types of motors are used for motion control in various applications, such as robotics, manufacturing process automation, and medical equipment.

2. They can be controlled by a microcontroller, which can precisely control the speed and position of the motor.

3. They have high positioning accuracy, which makes them useful for applications that require precise positioning.

4. Can be used for open loop and closed loop systems.

5. Both types of motors can be step control, which can accurately control the movement.

6. Stepper motor and servo motor have high working efficiency.

by (116k points)
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+1 vote

Stepper motors and servo motors have the following similarities:

1. Their working principle is the same, they all belong to pulse control drive type motors.

2. They all have a fixed step angle.

3. They can all be seen at the same time or controlled together.

by (62.8k points)

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