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What is the role of the Proton Beam Radiation Accelerator? Advantages and disadvantages of proton beam therapy

by (62.8k points)

4 Answers

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What is a proton accelerator?

One of the core functions of the proton accelerator is to accelerate the protons, so that the protons have very high kinetic energy, so that they can be used to treat deep tumors.

The role of the accelerator of proton beam radiotherapy, mainly used to treat deep tumors.
Proton beam radiotherapy accelerator

Proton beam radiotherapy accelerator

Pros and cons of proton radiotherapy, advantages and disadvantages of proton therapy accelerator:
Proton accelerators are used to generate high-energy proton beams, which are injected into the body under precise control, and the energy is accurately released to the lesion to achieve a therapeutic effect. Proton beam radiotherapy accelerator device

Proton beam radiotherapy accelerator device

This is the technical advantage of proton therapy. Ideal for use in radiation therapy.

by (128k points)
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Does proton radiation therapy work well for cancer?

Proton radiotherapy is usually effective in treating cancer, but it is relatively expensive.

Proton beam therapy - Proton beam radiotherapy accelerator equipment supplier

Proton radiotherapy is usually a kind of radiotherapy, which can act more accurately on tumor cell tissues, can achieve the effect of controlling the development or spread of cancer cells, and can shrink or disappear tumors The harm to surrounding tissues and organs is relatively small, but the price is relatively expensive. It is necessary to go to the local regular hospital for detailed consultation, and then choose the appropriate treatment according to the individual situation.

During the illness, we must pay attention to good mood adjustment, not be able to have excessive psychological pressure or excessive tension, and actively cooperate with doctors to do corresponding treatment or improvement.

by (116k points)
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Can proton radiation cure tumors?

Condition analysis: Proton radiotherapy can generally cure tumors. Protons are positively charged particles that can enter the body at a very fast rate. 

The chances of interacting with normal tissues or cells in the human body are very low, and when it reaches a specific part of the cancer cell, the speed suddenly decreases and stops, releasing the maximum energy to kill the cancer cell. 

It also protects normal tissues because proton therapy is highly penetrating. It has the characteristics of high local dose, small penumbra and good dose distribution, so it has great advantages in tumor treatment.

by (34.6k points)
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Which cancers are suitable for proton metallurgy?

Condition analysis: Early and intermediate cancers are suitable for proton metallurgy. 

Because the use of proton therapy for cancer patients is generally early and intermediate cancer patients, this method improves the cure rate of cancer patients, and also effectively reduces the side effects of their own use of other treatments, which is less harmful to the human body and is also beneficial to lung cancer patients. This is how cancer, liver and prostate cancer patients are treated.

by (116k points)

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