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What is the first step of the system development life cycle (sdlc)?

by (62.8k points)

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Answer: Project planning phase (also called the initiation phase or requirements analysis).

Answer analysis: The first step of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the project planning phase (also called the initiation phase or requirements analysis/initiation phase). The main goals and tasks of this phase include:

1. Determine the project goals: clarify the problems to be solved by the project, the scope and goals of the project, and the expectations and requirements of the end users.

2. Develop a project plan: Based on the project goals, develop a detailed project plan, including schedule, budget, resource allocation, etc.

3. Evaluate feasibility: Perform system and feasibility studies to evaluate the feasibility of the project in terms of technology, economy, society, etc.

4. Determine available resources: including the evaluation and allocation of resources such as personnel, funds, and equipment.

5. Communication and exchange: Communicate fully with customers, suppliers, consultants, and employees to find alternative solutions to problems and ensure that all relevant parties have a common understanding of project goals and plans.

6. Security considerations: At this stage, you also need to consider the security requirements of the system, find key areas in the system that require security, evaluate the security requirements of information, and ensure that everyone involved in the project has a common understanding of security considerations.

The project planning phase is the cornerstone of SDLC, which provides a clear direction and framework for subsequent development work. Through comprehensive planning and evaluation, you can ensure that the project can proceed smoothly in subsequent stages and maximize the needs and expectations of end users.

It should be noted that although the division and naming of SDLC stages may vary slightly from source to source, the importance and basic tasks of the project planning phase as the first step of SDLC are consistent.

by (116k points)
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