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What are the structural components of a stepper motor? What does the stator of a stepper motor consist of and a coil?

by (62.8k points)

5 Answers

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Best answer

A stepper motor consists of two parts: a stator and a rotor. The stator is made up of coils and magnets, while the rotor is made up of magnets.

Stepper motor core

What are the structural components of a stepper motor?

Iron core

Stator: The stator of a stepper motor is mainly composed of an iron core and a coil. The iron core is fixed, and the coil is fixed to the iron core. Under the action of electric current, the coil generates a magnetic field that interacts with the magnetic field of the rotating part, causing the rotating part to rotate.

Stepper motor core coil

Rotating parts: Rotating parts mainly include rotors and shafts. The rotor and shaft are a single unit, fixed to the casing by bearings. 

Under the action of the magnetic field, the rotating parts interact with the magnetic field of the stator coil to achieve rotation.

A stepper motor is mainly composed of two parts: a stator and a rotor. The rotor consists of three parts: rotor 1, rotor 2 and permanent magnets.nema 23 stepper motor

nema 23 stepper motor

Stepper motor is generally composed of front and rear end cover, bearing, central shaft, rotor core, stator core, stator assembly, corrugated washer, screw and other parts, stepper motor is also called stepper, it uses the principle of electromagnetism, the electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Unipolar stepper motors and bipolar stepper motors - Demonstration of the polarity structure diagram of the stepper motorUnipolar stepper motors and bipolar stepper motors

by (116k points)
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The stepper motor is composed of a stator and a rotor, and the stator includes hollow magnets, multi-route coils, two permanent magnet rings, etc.;

The structure of the stator is to nest an iron bar ring on the outer surface of the permanent magnet ring, filled with a coil in the middle, and the outer cover of an iron ring can be flexible.

by (128k points)
+1 vote

A stepper motor consists of two parts: a stator and a rotor. The stator is made up of coils and magnets, while the rotor is made up of magnets. When current passes through the stator coil, a magnetic field is created that interacts with the magnets on the rotor.Stepper motor core - nema 23 stepper motor

The stator is the immovable part of a stepper motor, usually consisting of an iron core and a coil. Stepper motor core manufacturers

Stepper motor core manufacturers

The iron core mainly acts as a conduction magnetic field line, and the coil generates a magnetic field by passing an electric current into it. The rotor is the rotating part of a stepper motor and is usually made of magnetic materials.

by (34.6k points)
+1 vote

The structure of stepper motors, at present, the stepper motors used in China are mostly reactive stepper motors. In reactive stepper motors, there are two types: axial phase separation and radial phase splitting.

by (128k points)
+1 vote

Internal structure composition of stepper motor: stepper motor stator pole tooth rotor reactive structure, stepper motor internal structure composition stepper motor type, structure and working principle stepper motor stepper servo drive system is a typical open-loop control system.

by (128k points)

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