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What does the number of stepper motor subdivisions mean? Is the larger the number of stepper motor subdivisions, the better? 

by (34.6k points)
What is the number of stepper motor subdivisions?

Can the number of subdivisions be subdivided during the operation of the stepper motor?

I have used some stepper motor drivers, which say that the subdivision gear setting is carried out before power-on, and the transformation cannot be carried out during operation, that is, the subdivision transformation cannot be carried out during the operation of the stepper motor, so I want to ask whether the subdivision number setting can be changed during the operation of the motor, and why?


Rainset's stepper drives can be set up on the fly and take effect immediately.

Some domestic stepping drives set subdivisions during operation, which will not take effect immediately, and will only take effect after shutdown and restart.


It can be realized, except for technical reasons, the pulse method can not be realized, because the pulse signal is unidirectional transmission, can only be used in the bus mode, not only subdivision can be changed in operation, the current can also be changed, and the corresponding torque and speed can also be changed.


Normal stepper drives are not supported. If this function is needed, of course, it can be implemented.

7 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

The answer to the breakdown of stepper motors is as follows:

What is the number of stepper motor subdivisions

The number of stepper motor subdivisions is essentially an electronic damping technique.

Stepper motor subdivision drive technology is a drive control technology developed in the mid-seventies that can significantly improve the comprehensive performance of stepper motors. The main purpose of the subdivision of the stepper motor is to weaken or eliminate the low-frequency vibration of the stepper motor, and improving the running accuracy of the motor is only an incidental function of the subdivision technology.

For example, for a two-phase hybrid stepper motor with a step angle of 1.8°, if the number of subdivisions of the subdivision drive is set to 4, then the operating resolution of the motor is 0.45° per pulse, and whether the accuracy of the motor can reach or approach 0.45° also depends on other factors such as the subdivision current control accuracy of the subdivision drive. The accuracy of subdivision drives can vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer; The larger the number of subdivisions, the more difficult the accuracy is to control.

The number of subdivisions of stepper motor drives, there are generally three subdivision methods:

1, 2 to the N power, such as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 subdivision,

Integer multiples of 2, 5, such as 5, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, 200 subdivisions,

Integer multiples of 3, 3, such as 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 subdivisions.

Number of stepper motor subdivisions

So is the larger the number of stepper motor subdivisions, the better?

My experience in actual debugging:

The larger the subdivision denominator, that is, the smaller the angle of rotation under a single pulse, the easier it is to start, and the smoother (smoother) the motor will run.

Moreover, the stepper motor is generally not large in power, not used for high-speed applications, and servos can be used for higher speeds, so for the general controller, the frequency of subdivision will not be too high, mainly limited by the response timing of the control IC.

The setting of the stepper motor subdivision is to solve the setting of the pulse equivalent of the control system, the general driver can be set by DIP switch by pressing 2/4/..../512, and some drivers such as Nordco Technology NDM552 can be set arbitrarily 1~512. In actual use, the larger the subdivision setting, the higher the control pulse frequency. For example, the subdivision selected is 500, so that the number of pulses required for the motor to rotate is 500 * 200 = 100000, when the motor running speed is 10rps, the control pulse frequency needs 1MHz, then many controllers are unable to provide such a high control frequency, but the larger the subdivision, the smoother the motor runs, especially when running at low speed, the effect is more significant. 130mm three-phase standard hybrid stepper motor

Subdividing the setting hour, if pure sine wave current control technology is not used, such as DM542, the motor jitter is more severe during operation, especially in the low-speed operation stage. The setting of the final subdivision is based on factors such as the control frequency range of the controller and the processing accuracy, and the appropriate subdivision is set, and there is no need for the larger the better.

by (62.8k points)
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+1 vote

Stepper motor subdivision:

The subdivision, pulse, and step angle of the step also need to be carefully studied and understood; For example, the step angle is 1.8°; A circumference 360/1.8=200, rotation requires 200 pulses; If there are 4 subdivisions, it takes 200*4=800,800 pulses a week to rotate one week; Confirm the length of the motor rotation one week: screw drive: pitch * number of thread heads = lead icon; Rack and pinion: indexing circle diameter iconmz; Line displacement of a pulse = leads/number of pulses.

by (62.8k points)
+1 vote

Influence of the number of stepper motor subdivisions on the performance of the motion platform: The stepper motor subdivision drive circuit can not only improve the motion stability of the working platform, but also effectively improve the positioning accuracy of the working platform.

by (128k points)

The test shows that when the stepper motor is subdivided into 4, the motor can be accurately positioned at each step. At present, the motion platform on automation equipment adopts a large number of synchronous belt drive mechanisms, and the speed and position of its movement are controlled by stepper motors. In order to enable the majority of users to use the stepper motor correctly, we have analyzed and tested the relationship between the subdivision multiple of the stepper motor and the smoothness and positioning accuracy of the platform motion, and reached some valuable conclusions.

+2 votes

The relationship between stepper motor subdivision and motor motion smoothness Figure 4, 5 and 6 show the measured phase current waveforms of two-phase stepper motor subdivisions 2, 8 subdivisions and 64 subdivisions, respectively. The step angle of the stepper motor under test is 1.8 degrees, that is, 200 steps per revolution without subdivision. During the test, the speed of the stepper motor is set to 2 r/s; When the motor 2 is subdivided, the motor has a cycle of 1.25ms per 400 steps per revolution; When the motor is subdivided into 8, the motor has 1600 steps per revolution, and the cycle of each step is 0.3125ms; When the motor is subdivided into 64, the motor takes 12800 steps per revolution.

by (62.8k points)
+2 votes

The difference between stepper motor driver subdivision and non-subdivision

Difference between stepper motor driver subdivision and non-subdivision: The subdivision drive accuracy is high.

Subdivision is that the stepper motor driver divides each pulse emitted by the superior device into coefficient pulse outputs according to the subdivision coefficient set by the stepper motor driver.

For example, the stepper motor is 200 pulses per revolution, and if the stepper motor driver is subdivided into 32, then the stepper motor driver needs to output 6400 pulses of the stepper motor to make one revolution.

Usually stepper motors are subdivided into 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 62, 128, 256, 512...

In global countries, for stepper motor systems, two-phase hybrid stepper motors and corresponding subdivision stepper motor drivers are mainly used. But in China, the majority of users are not particularly familiar with "subdivision", some just think that subdivision is to improve the accuracy of the stepper motor, in fact, the subdivision is mainly to improve the operating performance of the stepper motor.

by (128k points)
+1 vote

The subdivision control of the stepper motor is achieved by the stepper motor driver to accurately control the phase current of the stepper motor, taking the two-phase stepper motor as an example, if the rated phase current of the stepper motor is 3A, if the conventional stepper motor driver (such as the commonly used constant current chopping method) drives the stepper motor, the stepper motor runs each step, the current in its windings will be mutated from 0 to 3A or from 3A to 0, the huge change in the phase current of the stepper motor will inevitably cause vibration and noise of the stepper motor operation. If the subdivision stepper motor driver is used, drive the stepper motor in the state of 10 subdivisions, every microstep of the stepper motor, the current change in the winding is only 0.3A instead of 3A, and the current changes in the law of sinusoidal curve, which greatly improves the vibration and noise of the stepper motor, therefore, the advantages in performance are the real advantages of the subdivision.

by (128k points)
+1 vote

Since the subdivision stepper motor driver must accurately control the phase current of the stepper motor, there are quite high technical requirements and process requirements for the stepper motor driver, and the cost will be high.

by (62.8k points)

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