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How is the acceleration time of a stepper motor calculated? How to set the acceleration and deceleration time of stepper motor?
by (116k points)

1 Answer

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How is the acceleration time of a stepper motor calculated? How to set the acceleration and deceleration time of stepper motor?

The acceleration and deceleration time and stop time of the stepper motor require the length of acceleration and deceleration time is the focus of selection, but in addition, the balance of acceleration torque and acceleration and deceleration constant must also be considered, so it cannot be easily decided.

Therefore, when starting the calculation, set about 25% of the positioning time as the standard to calculate. Note: The acceleration time shall not be less than 0.1s, preferably between 0.2-0.3s (the allowable acceleration time of the stepper motor is between 0.1-1s, and the allowable acceleration time of the servo motor is between 0.05s-0.5s
by (34.6k points)

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