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Is a 1.8 degree stepping angle motor better or a 1.2 degree motor? 1.8 degree step angle vs 1.2 degree step angle ?
by (62.8k points)
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2 Answers

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Is the smaller the degree of stepper motor, the better?
Generally speaking, the smaller the degree of stepper motor, the better. The degree of the stepper motor refers to the angle of rotation of the motor during each stepping, generally speaking, the smaller the degree of the stepper motor, the higher its accuracy and the higher the control accuracy.

Stepper motor according to the structure: two-phase / three-phase / five-phase Two-phase stepping is the most used, the step angle is usually 1.8 degrees, that is, 200 steps a circle Three-phase stepping, step angle 1.2 degrees, accuracy is higher than two-phase, the speed is a little faster, the torque is a little smaller Five-phase stepping, the step angle is 0.9 degrees.

The step angle of the stepper motor Generally, the step angle of the two-phase stepper motor is 1.8 degrees, that is, in the state where the drive is set to 1 subdivision, the controller sends a pulse to the driver every time, and the motor turns 1.8 degrees, so that the stepper motor turns 360 degrees, and a total of 200 pulses are required.

by (128k points)
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+2 votes

The difference between 1.2 degrees and 1.8 degrees of stepper motor lies in the drive mode, motor mechanical structure and performance parameters.

The starting current of the 1.2 degree stepper motor is small, the noise is low, the positioning accuracy is high, but the stability is poor; The 1.8 degree stepper motor has strong stability, short starting time, but high noise.

by (116k points)

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