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What is a 1.8 degree stepper motor? Why is it called 1.8 degree stepper motor?

by (62.8k points)

2 Answers

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The 1.8 degree stepper motor is a stepper motor with a stepping angle of 1.8 degrees.

A stepper motor is a device that converts electrical signals into mechanical motion, which can precisely control the rotation angle and speed of the output shaft by controlling the number and frequency of pulses entered.

1.8 degree stepper motors are commonly used in various automation equipment and robots to achieve high-precision position control and speed control.

by (116k points)
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MOONS stepper motor, two-phase 1.8° series hybrid stepper motor is currently a popular stepper product on the market, Mingzhi has 20mm stepper motor, 28mm stepper motor, 35mm stepper motor, 39mm stepper motor, 42mm stepper motor, 56mm stepper motor, 60mm stepper motor, 86mm stepper motor, 110mm stepper motor and other caliber stepper motor, basically covering the vast majority of customers' needs for stepper motor products, The new generation of stepper motors has undergone a series of optimizations and improvements, and the performance and value have been greatly improved.

by (62.8k points)

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