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what is the human comparison to a robot end effector? End effector robot definition.

by (62.8k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Human and robotic end effectors are different, and they differ in several ways, such as:

1. Different definitions: Robot end effectors refer to any tool that has a certain function connected to the edge of the robot, while humans are animals in the highest stage of evolution among the earth's creatures.

2. Different structures: human beings have heads, necks, torsos, limbs, generally two arms and two legs.

3. Different actions: Humans have thinking and language capabilities, while robotic end effectors can only complete some specific tasks according to programming.

4. Different lengths: robot end effectors are much shorter than humans.

End effector robot definition

Any tool connected to the edge (joint) of the robot with a certain function is called an end effector.

End effector robots are often considered peripherals of robots, accessories of robots, robotic tools, or end-of-arm tools (EOAs).

by (116k points)
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What is an end effector in an industrial robot?

End effectors in industrial robots are devices installed at the end of industrial robots to perform specific tasks and operations.

They act as an interface between the robot and the external environment, responsible for interacting and operating with the workpiece or work scene.

The end effector is the hand of the robot, which is mainly mounted on the wrist of the industrial robot and is used to directly grasp the workpiece or perform the work.

Depending on the application requirements, there are other specially designed actuators available for specific tasks, such as cutting tools, welding equipment, etc.

by (128k points)

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