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How to correctly select servo motor and stepper motor? Servo or stepper motor for robot arm.

by (62.8k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Answer: It mainly depends on the specific application, simply put, to determine: the nature of the load (such as horizontal or vertical load, etc.), torque, inertia, speed, accuracy, acceleration and deceleration and other requirements, upper control requirements (such as requirements for port interface and communication), the main control mode is position, torque or speed mode. 

Whether the power supply is DC or AC power, or battery powered, voltage range. This determines the type of motor and accompanying drive or controller.

by (116k points)
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+1 vote

Hello everyone, I am a servo motor manufacturer from India, in my opinion, the selection method of servo motor and stepper motor needs to be analyzed according to the actual situation, but I provide the following solution about "selection method of servo motor and stepper motor", a total of seven points.

The method of selecting servo motors and stepper motors is as follows:

1. Determine the type of motor according to the specific application.

2. Determine the specifications of the motor according to the load nature, torque, inertia, speed, accuracy, acceleration and deceleration.

3. Determine the control mode of the motor according to the requirements of the upper control.

4. Determine the voltage of the motor according to whether the power supply is DC or AC power, or battery power, and the voltage range.

5. According to the current of the motor, use a drive greater than or equal to this current.

6. If low vibration or high precision is required, subdivided drives can be used.

7. For large torque motors, use high-voltage drivers as much as possible to obtain good high-speed performance.

by (128k points)

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