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Do industrial robots choose stepper motors or servo motor systems? Why servo motor is used in robotics?

by (34.6k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

A: In fact, what kind of motor to choose should be determined according to the specific application situation, each with its own characteristics.

The choice of servo system or stepper motor for industrial robots depends on the situation, and their performance is different, as follows:

1. Precision: Servo motors can provide more accurate control, while stepper motors are more common in applications with lower accuracy requirements.

2. Speed: stepper motor control becomes very simple, in the speed, position and other control fields, the use of stepper motor control becomes very simple.

3. Power: The power range of servo motors is very wide, from a few watts to tens of thousands of watts, while the power of stepper motors is generally only tens of watts.

4. Price: Servo motors are expensive, while stepper motors are cheap.

by (116k points)
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+1 vote

Why do industrial robots choose servos?

Industrial robots choose servos for the following reasons:

1. Industrial robots require relatively high action accuracy, and servo motors can provide more accurate control.

2. Servo motor control becomes very simple, in the field of speed, position and other control fields, the use of servo motor control becomes very simple.

3. The power range of servo motors is very wide, from a few watts to tens of thousands of watts, while the power of stepper motors is generally only tens of watts.

4. Servo motors are expensive, generally more than $20; And stepper motors are inexpensive.

by (62.8k points)

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