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What are the most common step angles for motors?  What is the step angle of a stepper motor?

by (34.6k points)

2 Answers

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What are the most common step angles for motors? 

The step angle of common stepper motors is 1.8 degrees, 0.9 degrees, 0.45 degrees, 0.36 degrees, etc. Among them, 1.8 degrees is the most common stepper motor step angle, and it is also the most common one. Taking the 1.8 degree stepper motor as an example, it is divided into 200 steps (360° ÷ 1.8° = 200) per revolution, so it is called a 200-step motor.

What is the step angle of a stepper motor?

Step angle Wikipedia: Step angle refers to the input of an electrical pulse signal, stepping motor rotor corresponding angular displacement. It is related to the number of phases, rotor teeth and energization mode of the control winding. The smaller the step angle, the better the smoothness of operation.

The step angle that defines the motor represents the angle at which the motor rotates for each pulse signal sent by the control system. In other words, the angle at which the rotor turns for each input pulse electrical signal is called the step angle.

by (62.8k points)
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Two-phase stepper motor and five-phase stepper motor: The two-phase stepping angle is generally 1.8 degrees, while the five-phase stepping angle is generally 0.72 degrees. This stepper motor is the most widely used.

by (28.7k points)

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