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A servo amplifier translates signals from the controller into motor voltage and current signals.

by (62.8k points)

1 Answer

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Answer: It is correct to say that the servo amplifier converts the signal from the controller into the motor voltage and current signal.

Answer analysis:

A servo amplifier is an electronic device used to control a servo motor, also known as a servo motor amplifier. Its main function is to amplify the small current signal output by the controller into sufficient current and voltage to drive the servo motor. In this process, the servo amplifier amplifies and processes the signal received from the controller (such as position, speed or torque command signal), and then outputs the corresponding voltage and current signal to the servo motor, thereby achieving control of the motor speed, torque and position.

Specifically, the working process of the servo amplifier can be summarized as follows:

1. Signal reception: The servo amplifier first receives the command signal from the controller, which may be a voltage signal or a digital signal to indicate the motor's moving target.

2. Signal amplification: After receiving the command signal, the servo amplifier amplifies it to ensure that there is enough power to drive the servo motor. In this process, the servo amplifier uses internal electronic components (such as proportional amplifiers, integral amplifiers, differential amplifiers, etc.) to amplify and adjust the signal.

3. Signal processing: In addition to amplifying the signal, the servo amplifier also performs various signal processing, such as filtering, integration, differentiation, etc., to eliminate noise, improve signal quality, and generate the required control signal.

4. Output control: The amplified and processed signal is converted into voltage and current signals suitable for driving the servo motor and transmitted to the motor through the cable. These signals will control the direction and speed of the motor's movement to achieve precise position control.

In addition, the servo amplifier also has the ability to receive feedback signals. By receiving motor status information (such as position, speed, etc.) provided by feedback devices such as encoders or sensors, the servo amplifier can adjust the control signal in time to ensure the stable operation of the motor. This closed-loop control system can greatly improve the control accuracy and stability of the system.

In summary, the servo amplifier does convert the signal from the controller into motor voltage and current signals, and plays a vital role in the servo system.

by (45.1k points)
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