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What is a stepper motor Arduino? How to debug the stepper motor Arduino code?

Arduino robot - stepper motor - servo motor

by (34.6k points)
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Arduino stepper motor is a comprehensive equipment that realizes various complex actions by controlling stepper motor, which is composed of Arduino principle board, stepper motor, control circuit board and drive circuit.

It helps users implement a range of motion controls to meet the needs of a variety of applications.

The working principle of the Arduino stepper motor

Arduino stepper motor is a high-precision motor controller, which can control the motion direction and rotation angle of the stepper motor according to the user's settings, so as to realize various complex actions.

Its operating principle is that the Arduino principle board and the control board are connected through the interface, the control circuit board receives the signal from the Arduino principle board, and then according to the parameters set by the user (such as movement direction, rotation angle, etc.), the stepper motor is controlled by the drive circuit board to achieve various complex motion control.

MATLAB code for controlling stepper motors and Arduino's complete MATLAB code for controlling stepper motors

Among the Arduino control stepper motors, ULN2003 drive is one of the most commonly used circuits, which can convert the Arduino's low-level signal into a high-level pulse to drive the stepper motor, thereby controlling the motion of the stepper motor.

ULN2003 is a drive circuit that can convert the low-level signal of Arduino into a high-level pulse to drive a stepper motor, which is a 16-pin DIP package, which can drive a 4-phase 5-wire stepper motor, up to 4 stepper motors, or 4 DC motors.

Arduino control code: To control the stepper motor, you need to use the control code of Arduino, and you can use the built-in Stepper library of Arduino to control the rotation, speed and other parameters of the stepper motor.

by (116k points)
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