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What are the factors affecting the production error of special manipulators in the injection molding industry?

by (34.6k points)

3 Answers

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What are the factors that affect the accuracy of the manipulator of the five-axis injection molding machine?

In many simpler cases, a single quantity can dominate. The factors that affect the single-line or single-angle positioning error are as follows:

1. Positioning method - different positioning methods have different influencing factors. For example, when a mechanical stop is positioned, the positioning accuracy is related to the stiffness of the stop and the speed at which the stop is touched.

2. Positioning speed - positioning speed has a great influence on positioning accuracy. This is because the moving parts must dissipate different amounts of energy when the positioning speed is different. Generally, in order to reduce the positioning error, the positioning speed should be reasonably controlled, such as improving the buffering performance and buffering efficiency of the buffer device, and timely controlling the drive system to decelerate the moving parts.

3. Precision - the manufacturing accuracy and installation speed adjustment accuracy of the injection molding machine manipulator directly affect the positioning accuracy.

4. Rigidity - when the structural rigidity and contact rigidity of the injection molding machine manipulator are low, the positioning accuracy is generally low due to easy vibration. Zhejiang Yuanbang Intelligent Equipment is a professional manufacturer of industrial intelligent manipulators, welcome customers to consult.

5. Weight of moving parts - The weight of moving parts includes the weight of the injection molding machine manipulator and the weight of the object to be grasped. Changes in the weight of moving parts have a greater impact on positioning accuracy. In general, when the weight of the moving parts increases, the positioning accuracy decreases. Therefore, when designing, it is necessary not only to reduce the weight of the moving parts themselves, but also to consider the effect of changes in grip weight when working.

6. The hydraulic and air pressure fluctuations of the driving source pressure and the fluctuations of voltage, oil temperature and air temperature will affect the repeated positioning accuracy of the manipulator. Therefore, measures were taken to stabilize the oil temperature and adjust the oil temperature. For example, an accumulator is used to stabilize the oil pressure, a heater or cooler is used to control the oil temperature, and a temperature pressure compensation flow control valve is used to control the low speed.

7. Control system - switch control, electro-hydraulic proportional control and servo control position control accuracy is different. This is not only because of the different accuracy and sensitivity of various control elements, but also related to the presence or absence of position feedback devices.

by (116k points)
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+2 votes

Switch control, electro-hydraulic proportional control and servo control have different position control accuracy. This is not only due to the different accuracy and sensitivity of the various control elements, but also related to the position feedback device.

by (62.8k points)
+1 vote

Whether the manipulator of the injection molding machine can work accurately is actually a three-dimensional space positioning problem, which is a combination of several line and angular positioning.

by (128k points)

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