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What are the functions of encoders in servo motor maintenance? The role of the encoder in servo motor repair

by (62.8k points)

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What are the functions of encoders in servo motor maintenance?

Encoder replacement and maintenance is the place where the technical content of servo motor maintenance is tested, after all, most of the imported servo motors are non-standard communication formats.

Early incremental products can be interchangeable, but the new generation of products has formed their own different internal standards, different manufacturers have different standard modes, coupled with excessive pulse density, and encoder alignment has different algorithms, so that each brand of products lack commonality, resulting in increased difficulty in maintenance.

China Huanyutong motor maintenance tips:

There are often new customers who confuse encoders with servo motors, and here it is said that the motor with the encoder is a servo motor.

A complete servo motor is divided into two parts, one is the encoder electrical part and the other is the motor mechanical part.

They are a monolithic combination and are indispensable for maintenance (except with discrete encoders).

Servo motor repair is a complex technical service industry. In recent years, servo motors have become more and more widely used, and the use of Chinese mainland market has surged, and the demand for servo motor maintenance as a technical service has become more and more urgent.

Since most of the servo motors used in China are imported products, the technical content is very high, foreign servo motor manufacturers in order to monopolize the maintenance service market, adopt non-standard encoders or non-standard installation methods, so that servo motor maintenance becomes more difficult, the formation of servo motor maintenance is an outstanding technical skill.

The usefulness of encoder servo motors

The servo motor can control the speed, the position accuracy is very accurate, and the voltage signal can be converted into torque and speed to drive the control object.

The rotor speed of the servo motor is controlled by the input signal, and can respond quickly, in the automatic control system, used as an executive element, and has the characteristics of small electromechanical time constant, high linearity, starting voltage, etc., which can convert the received electrical signal into angular displacement or angular velocity output on the motor shaft. Divided into two categories: DC and AC servo motors, its main feature is that when the signal voltage is zero, there is no rotation phenomenon, and the speed decreases uniformly with the increase of torque.

by (116k points)
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