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Are the torque characteristics of stepper motors and servo motors consistent? Stepper motor Vs Servo motor torque.

by (34.6k points)

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Are the torque characteristics of stepper motors and servo motors consistent?

Correct answer: inconsistent.

The torque characteristics of stepper motors and servo motors are different. The following is answered by the servo motor manufacturer engineer working in India:

The torque characteristics of stepper motors and servo motors are inconsistent.

Stepper motor vs servo motor torque.

The torque size of the stepper motor is proportional to the input current within a certain range, and has nothing to do with the motor speed.

When the motor receives a pulse signal, the motor rotates at a certain angle to achieve position control. The AC servo motor is a constant torque output, that is, it can output the rated torque within its rated speed.

The first is the stepper motor, whose torque size is proportional to the input current within a certain range, and has nothing to do with the motor speed. During the operation of the stepper motor, when the motor receives a pulse signal, the motor will rotate at a certain angle, so as to realize position control.

The servo motor, its torque is related to the input current and the motor speed, and it is proportional to the relationship. Servo motors usually use a closed-loop control system, which can monitor parameters such as position, speed and torque of the motor in real time and adjust them according to the set value.

In a practical project, the choice of motor type should be determined according to the specific application requirements. If precise position control and low cost are required, stepper motors can be selected; If higher control accuracy and a wider range of applications are required, servo motors can be selected.
Hope the above stepper motor and servo motor knowledge will be helpful to you.

by (128k points)
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