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What are the four methods to control the forward and reverse rotation of servo motors?

by (62.8k points)

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Today I will tell you how to control the forward and reverse rotation of the servo motor?

Four ways to control the forward and reverse rotation of servo motors.

First, if you use pulses to control the servo, then you have two ways:

  1. Forward pulse servo forward rotation, reverse pulse servo reverse

  2. The pulse rotates the servo, and the DO output determines the servo direction. To understand the above knowledge points, you also need to understand the following three points:

  (1) The frequency converter can make the AC motor accelerate and decelerate;

  (2) PLC is just a controller, which can only realize the acceleration and deceleration of AC motor through the frequency converter!

  (3) PLC itself cannot drive the motor! If you use analog control servo, then you can use positive and negative analog quantities for forward and reverse control.

  If communication control is used, then direct instructions are issued.

Second, if you use pulses to control the servo, then you have two ways:

  1. Forward pulse servo forward rotation, reverse pulse servo reverse

  2. The pulse rotates the servo, and the DO output determines the servo direction.

Third, if you use analog control servo, then you can use positive and negative analog quantities for forward and reverse control.

Fourth, if communication control is used, then direct instructions.

  Procedurally, in this way:

  1. You can directly enter the position to make it forward and reverse

  2. JOG command its forward and reverse specific operation process brief description: plc pulse control drive requires the servo motor to take a trapezoidal route, first run at V1 speed T1 time, reach the maximum speed V2, then run T2 time at V2, and then slow down to V1 in T1 time, run T3 time at V1 speed, and then cycle the total time T1T2T1T3 in the motor runs exactly A turn to drive the shaft with a reduction ratio of A, and this shaft runs 1 turn.

by (116k points)
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