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Ten advantages and disadvantages of stepper motors and DC servo motors
by (62.8k points)
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Ten advantages of stepper motors and DC servo motors:

1. Stable, can drive a wide range of friction and inertia loads.

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2. No feedback is required, the motor is a position sensor.

3. Cheap price compared to other motion control systems.

4. Standardized frame size and performance.

5. Plug and play, easy to set up and use.

nema 23 57mm closed-loop stepper motor - stepper motor with encoder

6. Safety, if any parts of the system are damaged, the motor stops.

7. Long life, bearing is the only wear mechanism.

8. Excellent low-speed torque, can drive many loads without gears.

9. Excellent repeatability, accurate return to the same position.

10. Overload safety, the motor cannot be damaged due to mechanical overload.

Top 10 disadvantages of stepper motors and DC servo motors:

1. Low efficiency, no matter how much load, the motor consumes a lot of power.

2. The torque decreases rapidly with the speed (torque is inversely proportional to the speed).

3. Low accuracy, 1:200 when fully loaded, 1:2000 when light load.

4. Easy to resonate, microsteps are required to move smoothly.

5. No missing steps in the feedback output.

6. Low torque inertia ratio, can not accelerate the load quickly.

7. In a high-performance configuration, the motor becomes very hot.

8. The motor does not "start" after an instant overload.

9. At medium and high speed, you can hear the motor making a lot of noise.

10. Low output power for size and weight.

by (34.6k points)
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Ten advantages of DC servo motor:

1. High output power related to motor size and weight.

2. The encoder determines the accuracy and resolution.

3. High efficiency, light load can be close to 90%.

4. High torque inertia ratio, it can quickly accelerate the load.

5. There is a "reserve" capacity, 2-3 times the continuous power, short duration.

6. With "reserve" torque, 5-10 times the rated torque in the short term.

7. The motor is kept cool, and the current consumption is proportional to the load.

8. Available high-speed torque, keeping the rated torque at 90% of NL speed

9. Quiet sound can be heard during high-speed operation.

10. Resonant and vibration-free operation.

by (34.6k points)

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