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Is SG series geared stepper motor an international brand? What is the lowest unit price of Japan's Yamasha 86SG series planetary gearbox stepper motor with super large torque output?

by (34.6k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

SG series geared stepper motor China stepper motor brand.

57SG series planetary geared stepper motor

57SG series planetary geared stepper motor characteristics

57SG series planetary gearbox stepper motor features:

1. First-stage deceleration, rotation accuracy ≦ 12 arc minutes

2. Two-stage deceleration, rotation accuracy ≦ 20 arc minutes

3. Low noise, noise ≦ 60dB

4. Long life, life reaches 8000H

by (116k points)
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SG series geared stepper motor is a series representative of deceleration stepper motor, which does not belong to any country's motor brand, but in China, the company has SG series geared stepper motor.

+1 vote

SG series geared stepper motor manufacturer specializes in the production of geared motors.

Motor is widely used, automatic doors and windows, automatic mahjong, printing machinery, packaging machinery, imaging machinery, indoor and outdoor advertising machinery, medical machinery and equipment, air conditioners, copiers, printers, blenders, ice shavers, refrigerators, automated factory production lines, etc., especially in the industry that pays attention to high-precision integrated automation equipment occupies a very important position. Due to the excellent quality, the customer is very satisfied, and it has accounted for more than 60% of the market share in Korea.

by (62.8k points)
0 votes

Sg geared stepper motor review

Low noise, noise ≦ 60dB, large output torque, good dynamic performance, small step angle, but complex structure and relatively high cost. High precision: stepper motor can accurately control the position and speed of the motor by controlling the number and frequency of current pulses.

by (62.8k points)

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