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What are the main structures of hair planting machine equipment? Application of servo in hair transplanting machine

by (34.6k points)

What are the conditions for brush factories?


What raw materials need to be purchased for the production of brushes? The raw materials of brushes mainly include various plastic wires, abrasive wires, animal hair, plastic pipes and common hardware fixtures, etc., usually people are generally purchased nearby. And what production machinery and equipment does the brush factory need? There are automatic computer wool planting machine, computer punching machine, five-axis processing machine, special metal made of flying knife, in the case of insufficient funds, you can use the semi-automatic wool transplanting machine produced in China, but the efficiency is relatively low.


What are the conditions for brush factories? What are the high-efficiency hair grafting machine filament?


With the development of mechanical automation in China, many brush companies will purchase more efficient automated hair planting machines, some wool planting equipment hair planting speed can reach 5-8 holes per second, such wool planting equipment due to the fast hair speed, so the requirements for the brush wire is relatively high, if the quality is not good easy to cause problems such as the card machine, high-efficiency wool planting machine brush wire do you know how to choose?
The efficiency of the hair planting machine in the hair planting process depends on the wool picking speed, many poor quality brush wire problems mainly: uneven diameter, bent hair and broken wire, hair sticking together, if the hair sticks together easy to lead to a time too much hair, the number of hair roots becomes more, resulting in jamming machine, hole explosion and other phenomena, serious even loss of hair planting machine, affecting hair planting efficiency, so we need to pay attention to temperature control accuracy when purchasing brush wire, so that the diameter of the brush wire produced is uniform and consistent, effectively improving the efficiency of hair planting by 20%. There is also the smoothness of the product, the uniformity of the diameter, whether there are bends and broken wires, and you can also find a manufacturer to take samples on the machine to produce, so as to ensure that nothing is lost!

1 Answer

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The main structure of the mechanical system of the wool planting machine equipment is divided into: the head, the fuselage and the fixture.

Machine head: is the main mechanical part of the hair planting machine, the main action of hair planting: hair removal, tanging, iron wire forming, iron wire tying the brush wire, implanting the brush wire into the hole. 

The machine head mainly realizes the above actions through the connecting rod and cam structure. The machine head is divided into two kinds according to the wool planting method: copper (iron sheet) type machine head and horse nail machine head, copper plate machine head is mainly used to use a specified length of copper sheet to press the brush wire into the hole, copper plate embedded into the two walls of the hole to achieve the requirements of tensile force. The horse nail machine head shapes the iron wire into an inverted "U" shape, ties the brush wire, implants it into the hole, and achieves the locking effect through the deformation and expansion of the iron wire. The machine head is divided into four sizes according to the length of hair grafting: 26H, 36H, 75H, 150H; According to the color of hair planting, it is divided into: single color, two-color head; According to the hair grafting speed, it can be divided into: ordinary head and high-speed head.

Fuselage: It is the main structure of the hair planting machine, which is used to install the head, motor, screw, table, and fixture.

Fixture: It is used to install the settings of processed products, and design different fixtures according to different product processes.

Control system: At present, the CNC hair planting machines on the market are basically driven by servo motors or stepper motors.

The overall structure of the actual equipment is shown in Figure 1, which is divided into two rotation axes, namely the X axis and the Y axis. Both axes are driven by direct lead screw connection.

X-axis: used to drive the table to move left and right, so as to drive the actual required processing of the material left and right movement fixed distance;

Y axis: used to drive the table forward and backward translation, so as to drive the actual required processing of the material forward and backward movement fixed distance;

This equipment through the X axis, Y axis to take a fixed position positioning, the frequency converter drives the spindle motor movement, thereby driving the pulley to run, and then drive the cam mechanism to run, so that the hair planting and hair feeding interval movement, (the hair planting head vertical movement, the hair planting speed by adjusting the spindle motor speed is realized, when the frequency of the spindle inverter increases, the spindle motor speed increases, the vertical movement of the head speed is accelerated, and the corresponding servo speed is also increased).

by (116k points)
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Hair grafting machine application: drilling / wool grafting machine can be used to make a variety of daily brushes, such as toothbrushes, brooms, shoe brushes, wooden brushes, wire brushes, copper wire brushes, toilet brushes, etc. In the field of industrial brushes, such as brush rollers, disc brushes, etc., are also inseparable from drilling machines and wool planting machines.

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