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What is a hair grafting machine? Which is the best manufacturer of hair grafting machine system?

by (34.6k points)
What are the manufacturers of toothbrush grafting machine manufacturers in Belgium?

Is the efficient hair planting machine system running fast and stable?


The Singrina servo system can be flexibly customized


You can try the high-end control platform of A9 chip and FPGA, efficient and excellent motion algorithm, fast and stable operation, spindle can drill and plant hair up to 7-8 holes per second, a 30-hole toilet brush only takes 4-5 seconds to finish.

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The hair grafting machine is a variety of brush products such as toothbrushes, hair dyeing brushes, hair brushes, wire brushes, fruit cleaning machine roller brushes, brush brushes and other products of hair grafting processing equipment. 

The earliest for hand-cranked hair planting machine, later developed into electric hair transplanting machine, with the development of automation, has now developed a variety of computer numerical control high-speed hair transplanting machine.

Which is the best manufacturer of hair grafting machine system? 

This is the leading brand of hair planting machine system industry application, with more than ten years of industry application development experience, stable product system, long-term processing will not be a problem. The manufacturer team is more professional, there are engineers who have been working in the wool planting machine industry for many years, and they have a good understanding of machinery and electronic control. After-sales has customer personnel who have been engaged in the industry for many years of after-sales to help customers debug and solve problems in a timely manner. The landlord may wish to find out!

by (116k points)

Brush making needs to use wool planting equipment and brush wire and other materials, nylon brush wire has many types, specifications are complex, but no matter which one you use, you must buy good quality silk, otherwise there will be problems with hair planting opportunities. The implanted nylon hair is the core of brush making, because if it is not smooth when taking hair, it is easy to cause jamming, or burst holes during hair grafting, and more seriously, the hair grafting needle is damaged, affecting production efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the process of nylon wool manufacturers that can produce high-quality wool.

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