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Compare and contrast a standard servo to a continuous servo.

by (116k points)

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Comparing and contrasting standard servos with continuous servos, we can do so from the following aspects:

I. Definition and Working Principle

Standard servo:

* Standard servo usually refers to a servo system with position feedback, which monitors the actual position of the motor through an encoder or other position sensor and feeds this information back to the control system to achieve precise position control.

* It is a closed-loop control system that ensures that the motor runs at a predetermined position and speed.

Continuous servos (CR Servos):

* Continuous servos are similar in appearance to standard servos, but have a different internal design. They have no mechanical stops, so they can rotate continuously in both directions without restriction.

* Continuous servos usually have no position sensors, so it is an "open-loop" control system and its rotation state or distance cannot be directly verified.

II. Main features

| | Standard servo | Continuous servo |

| --- | --- | --- |

| Position control | Precise position control, closed-loop control through encoder feedback | No position control, open-loop system, cannot directly verify rotation state |

| Rotation characteristics | Limited rotation range, usually with mechanical stops | Unlimited rotation range, can rotate continuously in both directions |

| Speed ​​control | Adjustable speed, but usually used for precise position control | Variable speed, suitable for occasions requiring continuous rotation |

| Stability | Good stability, small error, suitable for precision control scenarios | Stability may be affected by factors such as manufacturing tolerances and temperature stability, and some servos need to be reset regularly |

| Application scenarios | Laser cutting, electronic component placement and other occasions that require high-precision position control | CNC machine tools, automated assembly and other occasions that require high-speed movement and variable speed control |

III. Performance comparison

Control accuracy: Standard servo has higher control accuracy due to closed-loop control. Continuous servo has relatively low control accuracy due to its open-loop system.

Speed ​​range: Continuous servo is more flexible in speed control, and the speed can be changed by adjusting the voltage and other methods. However, standard servo can also achieve faster speed in specific application scenarios.

Cost and maintenance: Continuous servo is usually low cost, and due to its relatively simple structure, maintenance is also relatively easy. However, standard servo is indispensable in situations where high-precision control is required.

IV. Summary

Standard servo and continuous servo each have their own characteristics and advantages. Which servo system to choose depends on the specific application scenario and requirements. Standard servo is suitable for situations where high-precision position control is required, while continuous servo is suitable for situations where high-speed motion and variable speed control are required. In practical applications, the appropriate servo system should be selected according to specific needs.

by (28.7k points)
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