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Resolution expresses how precisely a robot's hand is programmed to reach a predetermined point.

by (45.1k points)

1 Answer

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Answer: Correct.

Answer analysis: Resolution is a key concept in robotics, especially when it comes to programming and controlling a robot arm or end effector (such as a gripper).

It really represents how accurately a robot can reach or perform an action.

Specifically, resolution can refer to many aspects, but it is usually related to the following two main aspects:

1. Position resolution: This refers to the smallest difference in spatial positions that a robot arm or end effector can reach. In other words, it measures the robot's ability to distinguish and accurately reach two adjacent positions. 

High position resolution means that the robot can reach the intended position with higher accuracy, which is critical for tasks that require high-precision operations (such as precision assembly, surgery, etc.).

2. Control resolution: This involves the accuracy of the robot's motion control system, including aspects such as motor control, sensor feedback, and algorithm processing. 

Control resolution determines how the robot responds to instructions and adjusts its motion to approach or reach a predetermined position. 

A system with high control resolution is able to adjust the robot's motion more quickly and accurately, reducing errors.

When programming a robot to reach a predetermined point, resolution considerations are crucial. 

Programmers need to understand the resolution limitations of the robot so that they can write programs that meet the task requirements and take into account the actual capabilities of the robot.

In addition, the resolution and accuracy of the robot can be further improved by optimizing the robot hardware (such as using higher-precision sensors and actuators) and improving the control algorithm.

In short, resolution is an important indicator for evaluating the accuracy of the robot hand being programmed to reach the predetermined point. 

It covers both position resolution and control resolution, and is essential for achieving high-precision robot operation.

by (128k points)
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