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What is the meaning and function of PID adjustment in microcomputer governor?

by (116k points)

2 Answers

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PID regulation in microcomputer speed regulator, full name is proportional, integral, derivative regulation, is a closed-loop control algorithm widely used in the field of industrial control. Its meaning and function can be explained from the following aspects:


PID regulator uses proportional, integral and derivative to calculate the control quantity according to the system error for control. 

Specifically, it performs proportional, integral and derivative operations on the input deviation of the controlled object (i.e. the difference between the target value and the actual value), and outputs the operation result as a control signal to achieve precise control of the controlled object.


1. Proportional (P) action:

- Proportional action can immediately reflect the deviation signal of the control system in proportion. Once a deviation occurs, the regulator can immediately take effect to reduce the deviation. 

The larger the proportional coefficient (Kp), the more aggressive the regulation action and the faster the system response, but too large Kp may cause system oscillation and affect stability.

- In short, proportional action plays a role in stabilizing the adjusted parameters in the system and quickly adjusts the system output by amplifying the deviation signal.

2. Integral (I) function:

- The integral function acts according to whether the deviation exists, and plays a role in eliminating the residual error in the system. As long as the deviation exists, the integral link will continue to accumulate until the deviation is zero, so that the system reaches a stable state.

- The strength of the integral function depends on the integral time constant (Ti). The larger the Ti, the weaker the integral function. The introduction of the integral link can effectively eliminate the static error of the system and improve the control accuracy of the system.

3. Differential (D) function:

- The differential function acts according to the speed of deviation change, and plays a role in advance regulation in the system. It can predict the trend of deviation change and respond in advance to avoid further expansion of the deviation.

- The addition of differential control can speed up the response speed of the system and improve the dynamic performance of the system. 

The larger the differential coefficient (Kd), the more obvious the effect of advance prediction, but too large Kd may also cause the system to be too sensitive to noise.


The PID regulation in the microcomputer speed regulator realizes precise control of the controlled object through the organic combination of proportional, integral and differential control functions.

The proportional action ensures the rapid response and stability of the system; the integral action eliminates the static error of the system and improves the control accuracy; the differential action achieves the advance regulation of the system and improves the dynamic performance by predicting the trend of deviation changes.

The mutual coordination of these three control actions makes PID regulation one of the most commonly used and effective control methods in the field of industrial control.

by (11.8k points)
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+3 votes

PID regulation is a basic adjustment method in classical control theory, which is a method to control the controlled process by synthesizing the deviation between a given value and the actual measured value by synthesizing the controlled quantity through proportional, integral and differential signals.

PID adjustment can achieve good control by adjusting three parameters, namely scale factor, integration time, and differential time.

The scale coefficient mainly affects the static error of the system, the integration time mainly affects the stability of the system, and the differential time mainly affects the response speed of the system.

By reasonably adjusting these three parameters, fast, accurate and stable control of the system can be achieved.

by (128k points)

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