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What determines the shape of the work envelope for a robot? Calculation of the scope of the robot job. Will a robot take your job quiz answers.

by (62.8k points)

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The shape of the robot's working envelope depends on its mechanical structure and controller design. Here are some of the factors that determine the shape of the envelope in which the robot works:

1. The length of the robotic arm and the degree of freedom of the joint: The length of the robotic arm and the degree of freedom of the joint of the robot directly affect its working range. The longer the robotic arm and the higher the degree of freedom of the joints, the larger the working area that the robot can reach.

2. Joint design of the robot: The joint design of the robot determines the flexibility of the robotic arm in space. For example, some robots may have rotating joints that better adapt to curved shapes in space.

3. Sensors of the robot: The sensors on the robot (such as vision sensors and tactile sensors) can help the robot determine its position in space and help the robot better complete the work task.

4. Robot controller: The controller design of the robot affects the accuracy and speed of the robot in the work. The controller is able to adjust the robot's working process so that it can be better adapted to different task needs.

In short, the working envelope shape of the robot is determined by factors such as the mechanical structure of the robot, joint design, sensor and controller design. These factors affect the robot's flexibility, scope of work, and ability to complete tasks.

by (128k points)
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