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Can you see the trajectory of each knife in the NC program? CNC program motion trajectory analysis

by (62.8k points)

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In the NC program, the motion trajectory of each tool can be seen.

The NC program is the key instruction to control the CNC machine tool to perform machining operations, which contains the motion trajectory information of each tool. 

In the NC program, the motion trajectory of each tool can be defined by the description of the tool path.

Specifically, G-code (also known as GSM language) is often used in NC programs to describe the motion trajectory of the tool. 

G-code is a CNC programming language that uses a series of letters and numbers to specify information such as how the tool moves, machining parameters, etc. 

In the G code, the motion trajectory of each tool can be specified by instructions, such as G01 for linear interpolation, G02/G03 for circular interpolation, etc.

Therefore, by reading the G-code in the NC program, you can clearly understand the motion trajectory of each tool.

by (116k points)
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