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+1 vote

In NC programs, the G00 command commands the tool to be in place quickly, but when applied ( ). 

A. There must be an address instruction

B. Address directives are not required

C. Address instructions are optional 

by (34.6k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

In NC programs, the G00 command commands the tool to be in place quickly, but does not require an address command when applying.

The answer is as follows

B. Address directives are not required

by (128k points)
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+1 vote

The G00 command commands the tool to be in place quickly, but when applied, the actual path of the tool is not necessarily a straight line from one point to another, but has a diagonal trajectory, so the G00 command does not allow subsequent F-value commands.

by (116k points)
0 votes

In NC programs, the G00 command commands the tool to be in place quickly, but there must be an address command when applying?

In NC programs, the G00 command commands the tool to move quickly, but does not require an address command.

The G00 command is used for the rapid movement of the machine tool and is usually used to move the tool to the position of the workpiece before starting machining.

It specifies how far the cutter needs to move, but does not need to specify a specific path or direction to move.

The machine controller calculates the path and direction that the tool needs to move based on the distance of the G00 command.

Therefore, the G00 command is a relative instruction that specifies how far the tool needs to move relative to the current position.

by (116k points)

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