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Are stepper motors expensive on Aliexpress? Are stepper motor user reviews on AliExpress real?

by (62.8k points)

2 Answers

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Are stepper motors expensive on Aliexpress? Are stepper motor user reviews on AliExpress real?
Aliexpress stepper motor price - aliexpress electric motor

Aliexpress stepper motor price - aliexpress electric motor

Buying stepper motors on the Aliexpress website will be relatively expensive, but it is not very expensive, mainly depending on user needs.

The stepper motor has 360 degrees in one circle, and the stepper motor is calculated in degrees (step angle), so the stepper motor is more accurate than other ordinary motors.
If you buy a stepper motor on the AliExpress shopping website, it is not particularly expensive, but it is expensive to use it with a drive device. Smaller stepper motors, such as the 57mm series stepper motor (i.e. NEMA 23), cost about $45 for a set, and a large stepper motor, such as NEMA 42 (110 mm), a stepper motor with a 1.8° step angle costs about $185.
Coupled with the PLC touch screen or controller, the price will add about $142 to buy a better set of stepper motor products.

For whether the stepper motor user reviews on AliExpress are true, this cannot be said to be all true, because some merchants in order to obtain traffic, brushing product reviews is also possible, so for this situation, buying stepper motors on AliExpress must seriously analyze and think about whether the previous buyer is real.

by (128k points)
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+1 vote

What is the general price of a stepper motor? What is the price of stepper motor in China?

Look at the stepper motor size, batch size and manufacturer is different, the most commonly used 42 stepper motor (NEMA 17 stepper motor) is generally tens of dollars, 57 stepper motor (NEMA 23 stepper motor) is generally a few dollars to $15 or so, this is the market market, imported products are generally more expensive than this market. Price of stepper motor and servo motor (stepper motor expensive or servo motor expensive)

Price of stepper motor and servo motor (stepper motor expensive or servo motor expensive)

Of course, the stepper motors exported in China are good products, the workmanship is very exquisite, very high-end, so the export will be more expensive, and it is cheaper to sell it locally in China. This is also a change in the international market.

by (116k points)

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