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Is the flight controller loader system controlled by servo motors?

by (34.6k points)

4 Answers

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Is the flight controller loader system controlled by servo motors?
Yes, flight controller loading systems require servo motor control.

The servo motor is the actuator of the flight control system, also known as the servo. Servo motors are used in flight controller loader systems

Servo motors are used in flight controller loader systems

It directly or indirectly controls the control surfaces of the aircraft according to the output instructions of the computer. According to the energy used, it can be divided into: electromechanical, electro-hydraulic and pneumatic three servo motors; According to the controlled physical quantity, it can be divided into: position, speed and force three kinds of servo motors. Flight controller loader system structure diagram

Flight controller loader system structure diagram

At present, positional electro-hydraulic servo motors are commonly used in flight control systems, and electric servo motors have also developed rapidly.

by (128k points)
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Aero model sport is a highly technological sport that maneuvers or flies homemade or assembled model aircraft for outdoor activities, training competitions or record-setting flights. The vitality of the aeronautical model movement lies in its interest and knowledge. 

The hand-made sturdy eagle soaring into the blue sky often makes young people have a beautiful reverie and motivates them to pursue and struggle non-stop, so that they can enter from hobbies to dedicate themselves to the aviation industry of the motherland. 

A standard servo motor has three control lines. They are: power, ground and control. The power line and ground wire are used to provide the energy required by the internal DC motor and control circuitry, and the voltage is usually between 4V and 6V, and the power supply should be separated from the power supply of the processing system as much as possible.

Servo motor control: the control end of the servo motor needs to input a periodic forward pulse signal, the high level time of this periodic pulse signal is usually between 1ms and 2ms, and the low level time should be between 5ms and 20ms, which is not very strict. 

The following table shows the positive pulse width of a typical 20ms periodic pulse versus the input pulse when the output arm of a microservo motor rotates within 180°.

by (116k points)
+1 vote

AC servo motor is a motor commonly used in control systems. It uses AC power supply as the power source, and realizes high-precision speed and position control through the servo controller.
Electric drive transmission control system - control method and loader patent
The servo motor is the actuator of the flight control system, also known as the servo. It directly or indirectly controls the control surfaces of the aircraft according to the output instructions of the computer.

According to the energy used, it can be divided into: electromechanical, electro-hydraulic and pneumatic three servo motors.The control method and characteristic structure diagram of AC servo drive system are displayed

The control method and characteristic structure diagram of AC servo drive system are displayed

Aircraft servo system, in the sensor, the sensitive element measures a certain physical parameter of the aircraft and converts it into an angle signal θ1 that controls the movement of the servo system, and then converts the angle signal θ1 into a certain form of electrical signal E1 through the conversion device and outputs it to the receiving device in the indicator.There are three basic control methods for servo motors

There are three basic control methods for servo motors

Servo motor is used in servo system motor, mainly used in process accuracy, processing efficiency and work reliability and other relatively high requirements of equipment, with high precision, fast speed, strong adaptability, stability, timeliness, comfort and other characteristics.

by (128k points)
+1 vote

Servo motors can be used in airfoil control, automatic navigation, flight control stabilization and other systems. High precision and response speed of servo motors

by (62.8k points)

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