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The first generation of industrial robots was controlled by means of programming languages.

by (116k points)

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The first generation of industrial robots were controlled by programming languages. This statement is not entirely correct.

Answer analysis:

The first generation of industrial robots were not completely controlled by programming languages, but mainly relied on program control or "teaching-reproducing" methods. The following is a detailed explanation of these two methods:

1. Program control:

- Some of the first generation of industrial robots were pre-programmed by designers according to the workflow, and these programs were stored in the robot's internal memory. The robot performs work under the control of the program.

- In this way, the robot's behavior is completely determined by the preset program, lacking flexibility and the ability to adjust in real time.

2. "Teaching-reproducing" method:

- Another common method is "teaching-reproducing". In this method, the teach pendant is first used to control the robot to perform a series of actions, and these actions are recorded in the robot.

- After the configuration is completed, the robot will act completely according to the recorded instructions, that is, "reproducing" the previously taught actions. Although this method is more intuitive and flexible than program control, it still relies on the pre-teaching process.

About programming languages:

- Although programming languages ​​play an important role in robot control, the first generation of industrial robots did not rely entirely on programming languages ​​for control.

Programming languages ​​are more widely used in subsequent generations of robots, especially in achieving higher levels of automation and intelligence.

- With the development of technology, robot programming languages ​​have gradually emerged and continued to improve, enabling robots to perform various complex tasks more flexibly. However, in the first generation of industrial robots, the application of programming languages ​​is relatively limited.

In summary, the first generation of industrial robots is not completely controlled by programming languages, but mainly relies on program control or "teaching-reproduction". Programming languages ​​have been more widely used and developed in subsequent generations of robots.

by (45.1k points)
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