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What are psoftlim and nsoftlim

by (62.8k points)

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Regarding "psoftlim" and "nsoftlim", these two terms do not have widely recognized standard definitions in the common fields of computer science, software engineering, or control systems. They may be technical terms specific to a certain software, library, framework, application, or research field.

However, from the literal meaning and possible context, these two terms may refer to the concept of "soft limit", which is used in many fields, especially in resource management and control systems.

Soft limit usually refers to a non-mandatory limit that allows a system or application to temporarily or conditionally exceed its normal operating range under certain conditions, but triggers some form of warning, notification, or callback mechanism so that the system administrator, developer, or user can take appropriate measures.

If we apply this understanding to "psoftlim" and "nsoftlim", they may represent two different types of soft limits, where "p" and "n" may be prefixes or identifiers to distinguish the specific meaning, application scenario, or purpose of the two limits. For example:

psoftlim: may represent some performance-related soft limit used to control or manage system performance parameters such as CPU usage, memory usage, network bandwidth, etc.

When the system approaches or exceeds this limit, mechanisms such as performance optimization, resource reallocation, or user notification may be triggered.

nsoftlim: Here, "n" may represent multiple meanings, such as network, number, non-critical, etc., depending on the context.

If it refers to a network-related soft limit, it may be used to control or manage network traffic, number of connections, data transfer rate, etc.

If it refers to a soft limit on number or non-critical resources, it may be used to ensure that the system can still maintain a certain operating capacity under limited resources, while allowing a certain degree of excess without immediately causing the system to crash or fail.

It should be noted that since these two terms are not universal or standardized, their specific meanings and usage may vary depending on the specific application scenario.

In order to accurately understand the meaning of "psoftlim" and "nsoftlim" in a specific context, it is recommended to consult the relevant documentation, source code, technical forums, or consult experts in the field.

by (116k points)
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